Hints and Tips

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Here are some hints and tips that you may find useful. More of these will be coming soon!

Authoring Tool


If you are working with the LifeGuide authoring tool for many hours, you may find it slows down after awhile, particularly with large interventions. To speed things up, close and open the authoring tool. You can restart your computer to achieve faster results.

Logic file:

If you wish to find a specific line number, press Ctrl and L and enter the line number.

If you wish to find a specific piece of text, press Ctrl and F and enter the text. You can replace all occurrences of specific text by filling in the boxes for Find and Replace with, and selecting All


Accessing the Intervention Manager in Preview mode

You can access the Intervention Manager in Preview mode by typing the following in your web browser: http://localhost:38180/home

The username and password are both admin.

This function is useful when testing in preview mode as it allows you to check the pages you have viewed and what information is being saved.

Jumping to a specific page

If you want to jump to a page when testing your intervention, you can add the following to the URL of your homepage:


where X1 is the name of any page and X2 is the page you want to jump to.

Example 1: http://localhost:38180/player/debug/MyIntervention?thiz=page5&jumpto=page5

In the above example, the intervention is called MyIntervention and you will be directed to page5.

Example 2: https://www.lifeguideonline.org/player/play/StressLess?thiz=homepage&jumpto=consentpage

In the above example, the intervention is called StressLess and you will be directed to consentpage.

Alternatively, you can click on a button or link on your home page and just add &jumpto=X2, where X2" is the name of the page you want to jump to.

N.B. When using this function, the intervention may not work correctly if you skip vital pages in the logic, e.g. if you skip the page where you create an account and/or save important information that is needed later in the intervention.