Authoring tool problems

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The Lifeguide Authoring tool isn't perfect! Sometimes the tool will not work properly. We are working on fixing the known problems. This page has a list of known Authoring Tool problems and how to fix them.

Preview Mode doesn't work

This is usually caused by having the wrong version of Java on your computer. Guidance for checking and installing Java can be found on the Java installation page.

Renaming files

The error message

Resource 'Intervention Name' is out of sync with file system

occurs when the authoring tool cannot rename a file. This feature is unstable in Lifeguide. If you need to, you can rename the file by installing a new version of the authoring tool and uploading your intervention to the new authoring tool.

  • Alternatively, you can remove the old folder from your workspace and delete it from the Authoring tool. You can then import the new version of the intervention.
  • If you want two versions of the same intervention in your Authoring tool, you can create a new empty intervention with a new name. Then copy all the files in the folder of the intervention you want to import into the folder of the new intervention, EXCEPT FOR the files that are already there.

Then, copy the text from the intervention file into the empty intervention file.

I can't import my duplicate project

Lifeguide won't let you import a project if a project with the same name is already in the workspace. It will have the same name even if you have renamed the folder. It will grey out the Finish button on the Import page and display the warning

Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

If able, you can rename the duplicate project in the workspace, but the rename function is unstable and might not work.

  • Otherwise, make a copy of the project in the workspace and save it in a different folder. Delete the project on the authoring tool by right clicking on the project and selecting Delete. Lastly, close the Authoring tool and browse to the Lifeguide folder on your file system. Browse to the workspace folder and delete the project from the folder. Now open the Authoring tool and import the project.