Tips for writing a webpage using LifeGuide

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  • Look at other LifeGuide interventions – it’s helpful to look at different logos, colour schemes and layouts to get an idea of how much information to put on a page. It can also give you an idea of the type of language to use.
  • Use Word when drafting the content of your pages. It really helps using ‘track changes’ when you need to incorporate other people’s feedback.
  • Write 2 – 3 paragraphs per page
  • Be clear and concise.
  • Put key messages in bold.
  • Use subheadings, bullet points, text boxes and images. These give pages structure and make them easily readable.
  • Put key messages in bold.
  • Always put links to external web pages at the end of the module/unit so you don't lose end-users mid-way through your intervention.

It can be difficult writing in this style when you’re not used to it. Here are a few more practical tips for when you first start:


  • Write too formally.
  • Use medical / psychological terminology.
  • Use extrinsically motivating phrases. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside sources, e.g. “you need to follow these simple steps” or “doctors agree that it’s best to…”
  • Write from an ‘expert’ perspective.
  • Write pages / messages that are too repetitive or are unnecessary – web users won’t tolerate extraneous information.


  • Explain ‘why’ for the majority of what you say. Web users are unlikely to take your word for it.
  • Use intrinsically motivating phrases. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual and is much better motivation for behaviour change. An example of intrinsically motivating phrase is “you may find it helpful to follow these simple steps” or “many people with diabetes have found that…”.