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Cookies are pieces of information stored by your web browser as you browse the web. They allow websites to recognise and gain information about users.

Lifeguide uses cookies to keep users logged in. It does this by saving a unique value called a 'session id' to the user's computer that expires after 30 mins inactivity. Whenever the user goes on to a new page, the session id cookie is checked by the server to make sure that the user is logged in. This is much easier than making a user log in to every page!

EU Regulations mean that by law, users must be informed if cookies are used on websites they visit and give consent to their use (implied consent is allowed).

Below is an example of how people can be informed about cookies and how they are used in LifeGuide interventions. You should have a link to a cookie policy on the front page of your intervention:

This website, along with most other major websites, uses cookies.
When you enter details into our website, a cookie is sent to your computer. A cookie is a small file that is saved on your computer which allows us to remember some information about you. We use cookies to keep you logged in and to identify your current session. Our cookies do not contain any information that you enter into the website or information that would identify who you are.
To use our website you will need to accept our cookies on your internet browser. If you decide to block our cookies, the website will not work correctly and you will not be able to take part in this study.