LifeGuide Updates

From Lifeguide Wiki
Revision as of 11:18, 18 November 2014 by Judy (talk | contribs)
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Please note - This page will be updated as necessary. Please check back here for further updates.

18th November 2014 - If single/multiple-choice interactions have been customised in LifeGuide (by unchecking the Use global style option), they may not function in Internet Explorer 8. There are a few workarounds for this: 1) Delete the Response text and use text boxes that you can customise, 2) Check the Use global stylebox so the default style is used or 3) Use a more recent version of Internet Explorer when testing and viewing the intervention.

November 2014 - There are issues with sliders not working with some older versions of Internet Explorer. They are working fine in Internet Explorer 11, so we recommend that all users download and use this version when viewing and testing their intervention if sliders are being used.

11th August 2014 - There are some bugs associated with the use of bigger buttons for single/multiple choice interaction and we recommend that you use the regular sized radio buttons until these bugs are fixed.

3rd September 2014 - We are no longer linking domain names from to the LifeGuide live server due to increased security on our server. Instead, the short name that you enter when you upload your intervention will be included in the URL.