
From Lifeguide Wiki
Revision as of 21:24, 19 January 2023 by DonCruickshank (talk | contribs) (Created page with "var keywords = ["begin", "end", "show", "page", "if", "named", "after", "section", "then", "goto", "feedback", "to", "value", "of", "set", "default", "saveandload", "load", "save", "for", "graph", "else"]; var functions = ["and", "or", "add", "sum", "not", "multiply", "divide", "morethan", "lessthan", "morethanequal", "lessthanequal", "size", "contains", "isempty", "append", "authenticateuser", "cancelemail", "cancelsms", "checkemailvalidity", "checkphonenumbervalidity"...")
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var keywords = ["begin",

var functions = ["and",

var operators = ["\\+","-","\\*","/","=","&lt;","&gt;","<=",">="];
var realoperators = ["+","-","*","/","=","&lt;","&gt;","<=",">="];

var stringStyle="color:blue";
var commentStyle="color:green";
var functionStyle = "color:#F0F";
var keywordStyle = "color:red;font-weight:bold;";

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
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function prettify(codeBlock) {
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function dealWithComments(text)
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function prettifyOperators(s)
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function convert(s, vocab, style)
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        var word = vocab[i]
        ret = ret.replace(new RegExp("([ \t\\(\\)\\n\\r,]|^)"+ word + "([ \t\\)\\(\\n\\r,]|$)", "gi"), "$1<span style='"+style+"'>" + word + "</span>$2");
    return ret;