How do I export data from my intervention?

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How to export data from your intervention on the LifeGuide Community Server

To view or Export the data from your Intervention:

  • Click on the Intervention Details option or the image of the intervention
  • Under the Intervention Operations table click on View/Export Detailed Statistics
  • This will open a new page called Intervention Sessions.

This page includes general details of the use of the intervention including the number of individual sessions (these are the number of times end-users have logged on and used the intervention) and a list of all the individual sessions, including the date the end-user logged on and the total duration of time they spent on the intervention. Click on the magnifying glass symbol to the left of the session ID to see detailed statistics from that session.

This page also illustrates the order in which pages are viewed (the thicker an arrow is on this diagram the more times that route has been taken when navigating through the website) and a map to show where users are geographically located (note: both these functions are currently under development).

To export your data:

  • On the intervention sessions page click on Export Data which is located at the bottom of the information table.
  • This takes you to a new page called Export Intervention Data. Here you will see a list of all the variable names (or unique response names) of the interactions in the intervention.
  • Select the data you wish to export. You can choose the Select/Deselect all option at the top of the page or select only the variables you wish to include in your data set.
  • Click on Export and you can then choose to open or save the Excel file that is generated.

How to export data from your intervention on the LifeGuide Trials Server (External Users) and PIPS server (Internal Users)

  • Click on View/Export Detailed Statistics
  • Click on Export Data
  • This will open a new page called Export Intervention Data.

You will have several options available to you:

  • File Format: Select either Excel (2007+) or Comma Separated Value (CSV).
  • Data sheets to export: All four options are selected by default.

Sessions Details: This option will create a data sheet which shows the responses given to interactions on pages, e.g. responses to single-choice and multiple-choice questions, the date picked on a calendar.

Session Page Flow: Shows the order each end-user viewed the pages in the intervention and the time (in seconds) they spent on each page. This sheet will list each session on a separate row and will group all the sessions for each user together. In the sheet, the last page viewed is always unknown because the page name and duration can only be recorded when a button is click on a page - end-users' typically close their browsers or shut down their computer when they finish using a website.

Aggregated Page Durations: Shows the total time (in seconds) that users spent on each page.

User data: Shows the data collected from variables you have specified in the logic of your intervention, e.g. whenever you use the 'savevalue' logic function, this information is saved and can be exported to the User Data sheet.

  • Export all sessions since: This allows you to export sessions from a given date. The default option is the date the intervention was uploaded.
  • Session sheet style: This allows you to choose between exporting with "One line per session" where each intervention session appears on a separate row, or "One user per line" where multiple sessions for each end-user appear on the same row.

I've also added a session count to the "One user per line" export style and each field is numbered by #session number (action).

  • Include anonymous sessions: This option allows you to choose whether to include sessions that are not associated with a registered user.
  • Column header format: This allows you to select between 3 different formats for the Session Details column titles.

Variable Names only: Only displays the name of your variables. This is the best option if each variable in your intervention has a unique name and you know what it relates to. Prefix page name (e.g. page.variable). If you have variables which have the same name and appear on different pages, select this option or Suffix page name. Suffix page name (e.g.

  • Extra Columns: This allows you to export additional information about users.

User identifier: This will be an end-user's username.

User number:

Session number: This option will annotate an end-user's sessions incrementally (i.e. their first session will be labelled 1, their second 2, and so on).

Session time: This is be the date and time each session started.