3. Building your Intervention – The ‘How to...’ Guide

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Building and Editing Pages Using LifeGuide

How to start building and editing an intervention from scratch

How to create a new intervention within the authoring tool

How to create a new intervention page in the authoring tool

How to see what I have created in the authoring tool Include: creating new project, saving, deleting, opening etc.

How to start editing an existing intervention E.g. explain how to import a project.

How to rename an intervention or pages within an intervention

How to make a page longer

How to change the look and feel of the intervention pages

How to create a template to use the same formatting on every page of the intervention

How to align items on the page

How to order or layer items on the page

How to group items together

How to add text to a page Explain that there are different types of text boxes to be used for different reason – normal is the default option to be used if you always want that text to appear. Other options are to be used if you only want the text to appear under certain conditions.

How to format text on a page

How to cut, copy, and paste items on a page

How to copy entire intervention pages

How to put images onto your intervention pages

Adding Multi-media Elements to Your Intervention Pages

How to put a video or mp3 file onto your intervention page

How to add a graph to your intervention page

How to add a calendar option to your intervention page

Making Your Intervention Pages Do Things

How to stop users moving onto the next page before a certain condition has been satisfied Describe setting text boxes to error here.

How to tell users they have forgotten to answer a question

How to check whether users have entered valid information Include patternmatch and stringlength here.

How to check whether users have entered information correctly

How to allocate users a score based on their answers to a question or series of questions Explain setting text as a variable.

How to re-show information that users have told you Explain setting text as a variable. Explain work around for drop down single choice interactions using replaceall.

How to tailor or change the information presented on a page based on information about the user Describe setting text boxes to feedback here. Explain use of containers. Also describe count if function.

How to put in hyperlinks to external websites

How to put in hyperlinks to other pages within the intervention

How to put a link to a pdf file onto your intervention page

How to ask users questions and record their responses Explain different types of interaction. Explain that you can graph responses – link to graphs section.

How to show users the current date or time

How to tell users the time or date that they viewed a particular page of the intervention or completed a particular section of the intervention

How to tell users how long it’s been since they last logged into the intervention

3.3. Putting it all Together: How to Make Your Pages Work as an Intervention

3.3.1. How to put buttons on your intervention pages so that users can move between pages How to change the look and feel of buttons

3.3.2. How to show the your intervention pages to the user

3.3.2. How to make sure that users see intervention pages in the correct order

3.3.3. How to show the same page more than once in the intervention

3.3.3. How to change what intervention pages are seen according to information about the user Include the count if function here…?

3.3.4. How to break your logic down into smaller sections

3.3.4. How to put in hyperlinks to that users can move between pages

3.3.5. How to preview your intervention pages to see if they look right and work in the way you expect

3.3.6. How to save information about users

3.3.7. How to use saved information about users

3.3.8. How to make sure that users see the right page when they log back into the intervention

3.3.9. How to make sure that users are sent back to the last seen page when they log back into the intervention

Allowing Users to Log In and Out of Your Intervention

How to register users to your intervention so that they can log in and out

How to save information about users

How to use saved information about users

How to make sure that users see the right page when they log back into the intervention

How to make sure that users are sent back to the last seen page when they log back into the intervention.

How to let users change their password

How to give users a new password if they have forgotten it

Putting Time Constraints in Your Intervention

How to automatically send an email from your intervention on a certain date

How to show a particular intervention page on a specific date E.g. when the study has finished you may want to show a study has finished page.

How to show a particular intervention page when a specific amount of time has elapsed

Incorporating Research Procedures Within Your Intervention

How to randomise users of the Intervention to a particular group or condition

How to randomise users into two groups

How to randomise users into more than two groups

How to stratify randomisation by a particular user characteristic

How to do block randomisation

How to randomise more users to one group than another (unequal randomisation)

How to count the number of users who have done a specific thing within your intervention (e.g. consented, registered, seen a specific page etc.)

How to show follow up questionnaires at the right time

How to make sure new intervention sessions become available at the right time

3.7. Allowing User Interaction within the Intervention

Contacting Users of the Intervention

How to automatically send an email to the users of your intervention

How to automatically send a text message to the users of your intervention

How to automatically send an email to you or your research team

How to automatically send an email from your intervention on a certain date

How to stop emails being automatically sent from your intervention

It Doesn’t Work! Fixing Problems in Your Intervention

How to fix the logic error “...”

How to stop seeing a LifeGuide error page when you preview your intervention

Getting the Data you Want from Your Intervention

How to find out how long participants have spent on a specific part of your intervention

How to find out what intervention group users have been randomised to

How to record the time at which users viewed an intervention page or completed a particular section of the intervention

How to record whether or not a user has completed a particular section of the intervention (e.g. a questionnaire)

Testing and Piloting Your Intervention

How to preview your intervention pages to see if they look right and work in the way you expect

How to stop seeing a LifeGuide error page when you preview your intervention

How to use the LifeGuide Community Website

Running, Trialling and Evaluating Your Intervention

How to upload your intervention onto the LifeGuide server so that users can see and use it